Importing Fruit
In most cases, clearing a container through customs happens at the terminal. Import duties and VAT are paid if applicable and then the container leaves the terminal. But in the case of shipments with fruit, the process is different. Getting Your Fruit Through Customs Before a shipment of fruit is …

Phosphine ban in France to kill trade instead of pests
What is the new ban on phosphine for French cereals? Phosphine is a commonly used insecticide, used to stop insects from being transported from one country to another in food shipments. To do this, the grains need to be placed in an airtight space with phosphine tablets for several days. A shipping …

Independent customs broker Customs Support acquired Freshport
Freshport is an independent service provider for the clearance of mainly perishable goods and live animals, and is located on the runway at Schiphol. Freshport facilitates among other things inspections of public authorities. This acquisition fits into the Customs Support strategy to grow in the …

A Client Review: Koornstra & Co
What does Koornstra & Co do? Koornstra is an importer and exporter of fruit and vegetables. We deliver the goods where they are needed at the right time within our market area, according to JIT – Just-in-time method. That is where our strength lies because we can easily respond to customer …

Fête de la Fédération – Importing Traditional French foods
Salmon en papillote Translated, this means “salmon in parchment”. To cook this simple but tasty dish, you wrap your salmon in parchment (or tin foil) with some sliced vegetables, fennel, dill, lemon, and some olive oil. Bake for 12-15 minutes so the juices mix. That’s it! If you are importing …

Why didn’t the peanut cross the ocean?
What health risks are there in transporting peanuts? Depending on where your peanuts are imported from, there is a risk of contamination by aflatoxins. These are a family of fungi that grow in warm and wet conditions, as is common in countries which grow peanuts. If your shipment of peanuts has …

All You Need To Know About Import Declarations For Organically Grown Products
The European Union has rules and regulations in place to determine whether products are considered to be organic. Products must conform to equivalent standards to those produced in the European Union. The European Union has agreements with countries that have standards and control measures that are …

Customs Support acquires Verex Customs Services
Verex, located in Terneuzen, The Netherlands is an independent customs broker for all import, export, and cross-border deliveries or shipments. The Verex team has extensive experience in customs, VAT, and excise duty. As fiscal representative and customs agent, Verex provides all services that …

Request Your Certificate of Origin and EUR.1 Through Customs Support
What is a Certificate of Origin? You or your customer may need a Certificate of Origin to import goods into a country outside the European Union. The producer or exporter of the goods usually makes the certificate of origin, which is then authorized by the Chamber of Commerce of the country where …

Keep your supply chain sweet this Halloween with Customs Support Group
This Halloween, we explore five tricks you should beware of when clearing foodstuffs – and how Customs Support Group keeps customs sweet for you so that you can clear the border on time. #1: Different phytosanitary and document requirements Growers and traders are required to follow the …