Digitise Your Supply Chain and Don't Forget Your Customs Processes
A lot has happened in the past year that has made it clear that supply chains are fragile. Sometimes it seemed like a flock of black swans landed. In 2020 China , the factory of the world, came to a grinding halt, the impact of which could be felt all through 2021. Singular events like the blocking …

Improve the Efficiency of your Customs Operation
Periodically Review Your Customs Operations To ensure that processes move along with the market, it is a good idea to regularly carry out a quick self-assessment or have an external expert do a quick scan . Our consultants are always up to speed on the latest customs rules and regulations and …

Electric Vehicles: All the Buzz in Global Trade
Wide-spread adoption of electric vehicles sparked by net-zero aims Since the first Conference of the Parties (COP1), held in Germany in 1995, members of the United Nations have collectively been researching and responding to climate change. Over the last decade, the urgency of the issue has been …