History of Customs Support
I have been working at Customs Support for almost two years now. Last week I sat down with my colleagues Nathalie Roozen and Marc Verkaik to talk with them about how our company started. As they have been working at Customs Support even before we were called Customs Support they could tell me the …

Key Focus Points When Interfacing With Your Customs Broker
As a leading digital customs service provider , we see a move towards digitised processes for many of our customers. There are many benefits of interfacing with your customs broker. Key Focus Points When Interfacing With Your Customs Broker Compliance Ensure you have all necessary documents and …

Tournebize, SPTT and CPS form Customs Support France
The three companies have joined a leading pan-European Digital Customs Broker. Their extensive knowledge of the French customs market is a welcome addition to our broad knowledge base. At the same time, their customers can benefit from the knowledge and experience of our specialists in other …

What Do I Need To Include In My Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) Reports
CBAM: an overview The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) is a new tax for importers of emission-heavy goods, designed to combat carbon leakage within the EU. When a regulated commodity is imported, carbon credits must be purchased By introducing the CBAM, the European Union is able to offset …

From office boy to customs specialist. How I became a declarant
I did not know what a declarant did. In fact, I had never heard of it. I never knew that there was a whole industry at work at the four border crossings in the area at that time. I would soon find out and a whole new world opened up for me. A start as an apprentice declarant The term apprentice …

Phosphine ban in France to kill trade instead of pests
What is the new ban on phosphine for French cereals? Phosphine is a commonly used insecticide, used to stop insects from being transported from one country to another in food shipments. To do this, the grains need to be placed in an airtight space with phosphine tablets for several days. A shipping …

Implementing DMS 4.1
How will implementing DMS 4.1 affect businesses? The exact implications of implementing DMS 4.1 will depend on your operation, goods, and permits. However, for most companies, the biggest impact will be the need for electronic notification via DMS 4.1 for the presentation of your goods to customs …

How to Calculate UK Duty and VAT
First, find the border value of your goods in GBP The border value means the cost of your goods, plus any additional costs (such as transport or insurance) that are incurred until the port of entry. Depending on your INCOTERM these costs may be included in the cost on your commercial invoice. In …

DMS 4.1 – What you need to know
Why is AGS no longer sufficient? In 2016, some changes were made to the Union Customs Code (UCC) regarding the data required for customs clearance . However, the datasets that were being processed by the Dutch customs system were not aligned with those that are required. Additionally, the …

Ozone-depleting and Fluorinated Gas Regulation Changes
Why the legislation is necessary Ozone-depleting gasses are those which chemically react to ozone, removing it from the air. Ozone is a natural compound found in the stratosphere which protects the surface of the Earth from ultraviolet radiation – which is harmful to both humans and the general …